Booking & Etiquette

Houston escort Florence Lovelace in translucent white and red.

I’m so glad you’ve decided to spend some time with me. As a reputable Houston escort, I do my utmost to ensure you have a comfortable, enjoyable and safe experience; I do expect you to give me the same consideration. Below are some etiquette points to take into consideration when meeting.


When booking, please use polite and discreet language. Inquiries with screening information and proposed meeting place/time ready will receive priority over all others. Just as I treat you with respect in all communications, please do the same with me. See below for screening requirements.

Houston escort Florence Lovelace in purple lingerie.


I have three options to choose from for screening.

  1. A photograph of you holding your ID. All information besides name and picture may be obscured. Deleted immediately upon review.
  2. A P411 account (I do not have P411 currently but they have an option to send a snapshot of your profile to providers via email).
  3. Two provider references. NOTE: This option requires 24 hours notice, and I must hear back from both providers.


I make an effort to maintain my hygiene and appearance, so I do expect you do the same. Please arrive fully showered or plan on showering upon arrival, with soap, as well as with your teeth brushed. Freshness is hugely attractive <3

Anti-Discrimination Policy

I accept clients without regard to gender/lack thereof, race, religion, sexuality, disability, class, etc, provided you are 18+, respectful and follow my screening processes. Please let me know in advance if you are disabled or have a medical condition requiring accommodations so I can make the appropriate accommodations.

Houston escort Florence Lovelace in translucent white and red.

Deposits & Cancellations

A 30% deposit is required to secure all bookings. Deposits are non-refundable except in the rare event that I cancel, in which your deposit will be refunded in full. I use the deposit to insure me against last-minute cancellations as well as to offset the costs of preparing for our visit.

I will request the deposit after completing screening and agreeing upon the time, date, place and length of our date. This is the final step in my booking process and finalizes your spot in my calendar.

Please notify me of all cancellations with as much notice as possible. I am open to rescheduling and carrying your deposit over on a case-by-case basis with more than 24 hours notice. No-call no-shows and ghosting will damage our relationship, whereas clear communication about changes of plans will go very far in showing me that you are a great client to work with.

Please give me the same consideration you would give any professional contact in the event of a cancellation or rescheduling. I do not mind attempting to reschedule, but ghosting and reappearing later will cause me to decline future meetings with you.

Extended Dates

I do not currently offer dates exceeding 4 hours. All dates 3 hours in length will require a light refreshment, and all dates of 4 hours will require a meal.

That being said, longer dates do receive priority and help us get to know each other, especially at the beginning of our friendship. Do not be shy, I adore conversation and I am sure we will both learn something new on our dinner date!

I only take dates within the Houston area at this time, but am open to tour with enough interest.

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